

Monday 9 January 2012

Travel cashback, hot deals & money savings in India!

Do you book flights or hotels on Yatra, Makemytrip, Expedia, Travelocity or Cleartrip?
Now you can get CASHBACK on all purchases at these & more websites in India. You just need to visit the website you want to book at via!
Say if you wanted to book a flight on Yatra. Now instead of going to Yatra’s website directly, you come to first. Click on Yatra & you’ll be taken to their site. Shop as per normal – browse & pay there. However, since you went via Pouring Pounds, you now get back some of the money you spent. Say if you spent Rs 15,000 on an international flight booking, you now GET BACK Rs 560 in your Pouring Pounds account. You get this cashback even on special offers, and in addition to any cashback you earn on your credit cards.
Similarly, you can get cashback at Expedia, Cleartrip, Jet Airways, Makemytrip, Travelocity & more Indian websites. (See list here).This also applies to international websites like & where you can pay in Indian Rupees itself.
All your cashback will keep collecting in your Pouring Pounds account. This can be paid to either your Indian bank account in INR or to your Paypal account.
The best part: our service is free & you also get Rs 175 as joining bonus. If you join via a friend’s referral link you get a joining bonus of Rs 350! Wondering where this money comes from? Retailers like Yatra pay us a commission for bringing them business – and we pass most of it to users as ‘cashback’. So just for going via us now you can save every single time!

1 comment:

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